Sunday, October 14, 2012

走了 (Gone)

“Life goes on.”

It’s such a heavy message with just three little words; it’s simple and cold, but true. Sometimes you might even think it’s going on too fast. And it’s hard not to look back and search for that moment you treasure the most, and hold on to it. Then you realize it’s just your memory. And it’s all that’s left.

It seems like it was only yesterday that he walked into my life unannounced. I thought it would be just for a short time, but he stayed. And then slowly, without knowing, he had become a part of my life. I’m no longer that kid with resentment; I’m grateful that he stayed. I just wish I got to tell him that before he left too soon without saying goodbye.

Following his departure, the decision and apology made because of him have become the past.

他似一陣風飄來我身邊,又似一陣風悄悄的走了 ” – 媽媽
“He came to my life like a gust of wind, left quietly like a gust of wind as well.” – Mom 

Like he used to say “珍惜眼前人
Cherish the present one.

Kanaleneiland, Utrecht